Project Name: Ajudôu vs. Coronavirus (Food Basket)
Public Call: SEMADS/CMDCA No. 001/2021
Audience served: 350 children and adolescents assisted by Ajudôu in Timóteo.
Execution Period: 2022
Objectives: Develop actions and initiatives aimed at food security for children and adolescents and their families through the mobilization and supply of basic food baskets and nutritious products that contribute to the healthy growth and development of children and adolescents.
City served: Municipality of Timóteo, specifically the Macuco, Ana Moura, Cachoeira do Vale, Bela Vista, Novo Tempo and Alegre neighborhoods, in addition to the territories where APAE students reside.
Sponsors: Timóteo City Hall / Municipal Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents – FMDCA