Project Name: Caminho da Suavidade (Path of Softness)
Modality: Judo
Process No.: 1480.01.0004715/2021-32
Protocol No.: 2019.01.0152
No. Students: 300
Execution Period: 10/2021 to 09/2022
Objective: To increase the access of children and adolescents to the practice of specialized sport in the Judo modality, in the extra-school period, as an educational complement.
Address: Street Joaquim do Carmo Goncalves, Nº 674, next to Capela São Miguel, Neighborhood São Miguel, Barão de Cocais – MG.
Jurandir Matias dos Reis Multisport Gym
Address: Street Antônio Ribeiro Maia, Nº 51, Neighborhood Alvorada, Congonhas – MG.
José Pereira Assunção Multisport Gymnasium – Felix
Address: Street Barão de Eschewege, Nº 320, Neighborhood Matriz, Congonhas – MG.
Sponsor: Gerdau.