Project Name: Olympic City Year III
Modalities: Volleyball, Handball, Futsal, Karate and Judo
Case No: 71000.058182/2019-74
SLIE No.: 191615307
No. Students: 480
Execution Period: 07/2021 to 06/2022
General Objective: To increase access to the practice of team sports on the court, as an educational complement, to children and adolescents enrolled in the public school system in the cities of Contagem, Santa Luzia, Barão de Cocais and Santa Bárbara, all cities in the State of Minas General.
- Cocais Sports Court
Address: Street Nossa Senhora Aparecida, nº 401, District of Cocais, Barão de Cocais – MG.
Type: Futsal and Volleyball
- Barão de Cocais Multisport Gym
Address: Street Padre Mauro Faria, Bairro Viúva, 299-201, Barão de Cocais
Type: Futsal and Volleyball
- Cras Norte Betim
Address: Avenue Raimundo Linhares, nº 560, São Vicente, Santa Bárbara – MG.
Type: Futsal and Volleyball
- ASCA – Alto São Cosme Association
Address: Street Uirapuru, 21, Bairro São Cosme, Santa Luzia – MG.
Type: Karate
Sponsors: Cemig and J. Mendes