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Ajudôu promotes Exchange in São José do Goiabal

Thinking about promoting socialization and joint learning, development and socialization, Ajudôu held last Wednesday (11), an exchange between students served by the Ajudôu Year III project, from the cities of São José do Goiabal and Dionísio.

The event took place in the city of São José do Goiabal and 125 students were present. Each participant had two fights and all received medals as a form of incentive.

“For us at Ajudôu, the development of children and adolescents is very important, this is our main objective as an association, so we always promote tournaments and exchanges, aiming at integration between the cities served, and also with teams from municipal schools”, he says. the general coordinator of Ajudôu, Júlio Jacques.

The project coordinator, Márcio Oliveira, also highlighted the importance of exchanges with the children and adolescents of the project, serving as a way to develop learning.

Also present were the mayor of Dionísio, Dr. Farias, the Secretary of Education of Goiabal, Cláudia Guimarães, the Secretary of Works of Dionísio, Wesley Carvalho, the director of EM Manuel Lúcio de Morais, Graziele Miranda, fans and the technical team of the Ajudôu, Márcio Oliveira, Everton Alves, Fernando Cipriano, Francisco Neto and Max Frances.

Ajudôu Ano III

The project is carried out by Associação Ajudôu, sponsored by Arcelormittal and supported by Fundação Arcelormittal Brasil and the Municipalities of São José do Goiabal and Dionísio.

In judo classes, the fundamentals of the sport are taught, as well as the values of citizenship, discipline, teamwork, tolerance, among others.

Students have to maintain a great attendance in classes and have great results in the classroom.

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