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Esporte - como ferramenta de inclusão social

Sport: a tool for social inclusion!

Sport is a way of promoting social inclusion among young people and adolescents.

A society without barriers is still a challenge. It is necessary for people to see those who have a disability as human beings with the same rights and obligations, and that is what social inclusion aims to spread through different means.

In recent years, many initiatives have been carried out to ensure that people with disabilities have their rights guaranteed. 

And for that to happen there are different actions, initiatives and activities that contribute. For example, we can mention sports.

The importance of sport in social inclusion

The Ministry of Health did a survey where it found that in the last 11 years there was a 24% increase in the number of people who practice physical activities. This shows how essential he has been.

It is likely that you have already come across some overcoming story where sport has been the propeller. And it has been used widely as an inclusion tool as well.

People with disabilities find in the practice of sports an opportunity to strengthen themselves and develop self-esteem, create friendships and, of course, promote health and general well-being. 

How sport helps young people and adolescents in society

Adapted sport is a modality with changed rules so that people with disabilities can explore their performance. It is a way of helping young people with disabilities to be in a more democratic environment. But he contributes even more support, also helping to provide these people with a path to follow in their careers in the future.

Other benefits of practicing sports are providing more quality of life, fighting sedentary lifestyle, teaching about friendship, team spirit, respect, following rules, etc. 

All these mentioned are important aspects for young people and/or adolescents with disabilities to be integrated into society, learning to live with other people.

Why is interpersonal relationships between young people and adolescents indispensable?

Interpersonal relationships are an essential part of the constitution of young people and adolescents. 

This relationship, also promoted through sports, allows for cooperative work, integrating efforts and eliminating conflicts.

Thus, the practice of sports as a tool for social inclusion can be one of the agents responsible for contributing to the promotion or improvement of this relationship, integrating the young person or adolescent into society.

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