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Ipaba Tournament reaches the final

Students from the Cidade Olímpica project, from Associação Ajudôu, reach the final of the internal tournament in Ipaba, to be held next Saturday (28), at the José Bibiano Estanislau Gymnasium, at 8:30 am, completing three rounds of games.

Cidade Olímpica offers volleyball and futsal classes, totally free of charge, collaborating with social development, providing leisure conditions and reducing school dropout rates. The project benefits 240 children and adolescents.

The project is developed by Associação Ajudôu, sponsored by Cenibra and supported by Instituo Cenibra and City Halls of Ipaba and Pingo D’agua, serving children and adolescents aged between 07 and 17 years old, enrolled in the public school system in the municipalities. .

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