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Did you know? Judo History!

Judo is a sporting martial art. Created in Japan in 1882, by Physical Education teacher Jigoro Kano. In creating this art, Kano aimed to create a self-defense technique, as well as developing the physique, spirit and mind. This martial art arrived in Brazil in 1922, during the period of Japanese immigration.

Fight and rules

Judo fights are practiced on a square format mat (from 14 to 16 meters on a side). Each fight lasts up to 5 minutes. Whoever wins the ippon first wins. If at the end of the fight no judoka gets the ippon, the one with the most advantages wins.

Ippon: the objective of judo is to conquer the ippon (complete point). The ippon is conquered when a judoka manages to take down the opponent, immobilizing him, with his back or shoulders on the ground for 30 seconds. When the ippon is completed the combat ends.

Wazari: Another way to win ippon is by obtaining two wazari, which are worth half a point (advantage). The wazari is an ippon that was applied incompletely, that is, the opponent falls without having both shoulders on the mat.

Yuko: When the opponent lands sideways. Each Yuko is worth a third of a point.

Koka: lowest judo score. It’s worth a quarter of a point. Occurs when the opponent sits down. Four kokas does not generate the end of the fight, although it is cumulative.

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