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Social Project sponsored by Vale, carried out in Ipatinga, Santana do Paraíso, Antônio Dias, Itabira and Nova Era


In October, the ONG Ajudôu delivered uniforms for the sport of judo to 600 students from the centers of Ipatinga, Santana do Paraíso, Antônio Dias, Itabira and Nova Era. The judoka received the judogi, consisting of pants (shitabaki), coat (wagui) and belt (obi), in addition to the project shirt.  The initiative is part of the Ceder Para Vencer project, in partnership with Vale, through the Federal Sports Incentive Law.


“Ceder Para Vencer is a good example of how the Sports Incentive Law is a fundamental mechanism for social development through sports. Even more gratifying is seeing how much our partnership makes a difference in the lives of so many children through this project.” says Pamella De-Cnop, Executive Director of the Vale Foundation. 


The students are aged between 7 and 17 years old, regularly enrolled in the public school system in the participating municipalities. Ceder Para Vencer provides students with free access to weekly judo classes, collaborating with social development, providing leisure conditions and reducing truancy. 


Valquiria Andrade is the mother of 12-year-old student Bernardo, he does judo in the center of Itabira. According to her, the classes have been very important for her son. “Bernardo is loving the classes! He gets all excited and wakes up early to go and when he comes back he wants to show what he’s learned. Other than that, I have seen an improvement in his behavior, he is more disciplined. He was looking forward to the delivery of the uniform and with the kimono the practice is complete!”, said the mother.


According to Benedito de Assis Lima, mayor of Antônio Dias, one of the cities covered by the Ceder para Vencer project, judo classes make a difference in children’s lives. “This interaction with the ONG Ajudôu is very important for the city of Antônio Dias, which carries out a project of such credibility here. Through it, children come out of idleness. Today, we have 100 families represented here and that shows the confidence in the project. We really appreciate this partnership!”, he says.


About Ajudôu


Ajudôu is a Non-Governmental Organization, recognized for its public utility at the municipal and state levels. It was founded in 1995, in Timóteo-MG, and has already served more than 30 thousand children and adolescents with free judo and other sports classes. Currently, Ajudôu is expanding its work to more than 40 cities in 4 different states.

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