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Ajudôu develops a security protocol, against Covid-19, to serve more than 7,000 children in the next 12 months

With the Covid-19 pandemic, children suffered from the reduction in daily movement and the absence of regular sports practice. In the current context, social sports projects offer the option of sports classes for those who cannot afford to pay. 

Ajudôu’s last sports classes were before the pandemic, in March 2020. In a year in which sports practices were paralyzed, the ONG concentrated its efforts on food donation campaigns, strategic management and fundraising to meet the largest possible number of children. 

The results are being collected, because as soon as the activities are released, sport classes will be offered in 42 cities, being 39 in Minas Gerais, one in Bahia, one in Espírito Santo and one in Pará. The forecast is that 7,500 children will be attended over the next 12 months with classes in judo, field soccer, futsal, swimming, handball, basketball and volleyball. More than ever, Ajudôu’s work will be essential, since physical exercises are fundamental for child development and even help to deal with the impacts of social distancing. 

To carry out the assistance, without putting children and teachers at risk, the Protocol for the Resumption of Sports Activities at Ajudôu in the context of Covid-19. The sources used are the Manual on Biosafety for the Reopening of Schools in the Context of Covid-19, developed by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV/Fiocruz), and the Protocol for the Resumption of Sports Activities in the State of São Paulo, considering the Impact of Covid-19 in Sport, Physical Activities and Wellness. 

Different realities in each city 

The Ajudôu manual aims to pass general health safety rules against Covid-19. “Today, each city has its reality in the face of the pandemic. Before sports classes start, our manual goes through the municipal commission and receives adaptations to meet that reality. All in synergy with the medical professionals in the benefited territory”, highlights Bruno Granato, Communications and Institutional Relations Director at Ajudôu.

In addition to the manual, the sport classes will also be adapted according to the local reality. Ajudôu’s guidelines are within a reality with social restrictions that can be revised. In some cases, classes may be hybrid or even online. 

Below are some examples of guidelines: 

  • Minimum distance required during classes (1 student every 2 m²);
  • All students must start and finish activities in the same amount of time and leave in an orderly manner, without contact and crowding. 
  • Término das aulas 10 minutos antes para não aglomerar com a turma da próxima aula; 

Ajudôu exists to help

In addition to sports classes, Ajudôu contributes with food donations. So, if you want to contribute in some way to those who need it and don’t know how, support the Ajudôu Vs. Coronavirus campaign. Donations can be made directly to Ajudôu by accessing the social networks or through the website There is also the online crowdfunding of the ONG at the link It’s very simple, easy and fast.

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