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Project Ajudôu Year VIII brings together more than 150 people in a judo festival

The Ajudôu Year VIII Project held, this Saturday (15), in Antônio Dias, the Antônio Dias Family Judo Festival. Throughout the morning, about 150 students and family members did judo activities at the Mirandão Poliesportivo Gym. With lots of fun and joy, always closely guided by the teachers, there was a simulation of fights, falls, stretching and a shared breakfast.   

Mirian Cristina Rocha, housewife, is one of the mothers who participated in the Festival. All three of her children take classes at Projeto Ajudôu, Pedro Lucas Rocha, 11 years old, and the twins Calebe Rocha and Carolina Rocha, 5 years old. “I heard that judo helps education and discipline. I put Pedro in the Project 2 years ago. When the twins reached the minimum age to take classes, I didn’t think twice about putting them on,” she highlights.

Events of this model are part of the methodology implemented by Projeto Ajudôu Ano VIII, which aims at social inclusion through sport and educational support, always with the support of the family. “Judo brings benefits to children’s physical and mental health. When parents create the habit and encourage their child to practice sports, it helps to avoid future problems in adolescence, such as relationship difficulties and obesity, says Júlio César Lana Jaques, General Coordinator of the Ajudôu Year VIII Project and a judo teacher.

The benefits mentioned above by Prof. Júlio are already noticed in the community of Antônio Dias. Ewerton de Castro, professor of Geography, is the father of student Rafaela de Castro who has been with the Project for 2 years. For him, the Ajudôu Project is another alternative that contributes to the education of children in the municipality. “We live in a small town with few alternatives for leisure and specialized sports. Judo offers us a qualified option to educate our children,” he says.

Ewerton de Castro, professor of Geography, is his daughter Rafaela de Castro.

Realization of the Ajudôu Year VIII Project.

The Ajudôu Year VIII Project, in Antônio Dias, is developed by the De Peito Aberto Social Organization Incentive to Sport, Culture and Leisure with sponsorship from Cenibra, encouraged by the Federal Law of Incentive to Sport and support from the City Hall. 


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