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Social Project sponsored by J. Mendes will benefit youths and teenagers, from 7 to 17 years old, for 12 months.


After 1 year and 7 months (since March 2020) with classes paralyzed in Barão de Cocais, due to the pandemic, the social sports project will return. The start of activities is scheduled for October and will benefit 120 young people from 7 to 17 years old with the practice of futsal and volleyball, through the Olympic City Project.


“The project is of paramount importance for the municipality of Barão de Cocais and the district of Cocais. With a focus on education through sport, futsal and volleyball classes are extremely important for promoting health in general. We are proud of this partnership between families, communities, Associação Ajudôu, local company and Barão de Cocais City Hall, through the Department of Sport and Leisure. In times of resumption of sport, we are very much looking forward to a new season  very successful, focused on serving our children and adolescents in the best way possible”, says the Secretary of Sport and Leisure of Barão de Cocais, Alex Graciano Batista.


Sports practice is essential for the healthy growth of children and adolescents. Through it, physical, motor, social and psychic abilities are developed and generate results for a lifetime. However, the reality in the country, in relation to sport, is far from ideal. According to studies by the (World Health Organization) Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), in Brazil, 84% of children and adolescents aged 11 to 17 years do not perform enough physical activity. 


The lack of access to sports may be a factor that adds to the number, given that low-income young people may not be introduced to sports due to family financial reasons. And it is for this reason that the ONG Ajudôu created, among many sports projects, the Olympic City which, through the free practice of futsal and volleyball classes, aims at the inclusion of children and adolescents in society.


In addition to sports classes, the Olympic City Project will bring a series of benefits to the municipality, such as: strengthening the sense of community among students, increasing the social circle and learning about volunteering. Therefore, the development of social sports projects across the country are of paramount importance, because when young people have contact with the concepts and virtues of Ajudôu, they have the possibility to form their character and have a different future, contrary to what they would have if you were on the streets. 


“What happens is that outside the school environment, there are not many possibilities to practice sports and when there is, it is not financially accessible for most of the population. Thus, many children and adolescents have nothing to do after school hours and often end up having contact, unfortunately, with the world of crime, illicit drugs, among others. The purpose of Ajudôu is to give this public the opportunity to have free access to quality sport, with all the necessary infrastructure for its practice.”, reports the Technical Director of Ajudôu, Márcio Andrade.


Registrations open for classes at the Olympic City


The Olympic City Project is sponsored by J. Mendes, through the Federal Sports Incentive Law and supported by the city hall of Barão de Cocais.  Registration is open for 120 children and teenagers (male and female), between 7 and 17 years old, to practice futsal and volleyball classes for 1 year. 


Registration and class locations


Classes will be held at the Sports Court of neighborhood Garcia II, located at Street Evangelina Soares Quintão, nº 53, neighborhood Garcia II (Barão de Cocais – MG). The start is scheduled for October and will take place twice a week, always in the students’ school shift, lasting 1 hour.


Full uniforms for the rolling ball


The student’s self-esteem is developed during all stages of the project. An example is the uniform kit that each one will receive, containing: shirt and shorts, considering that these make a difference and provide a better experience in sports. 


Protocol for Resumption of Sports Activities at Ajudôu


To carry out the assistance, without putting children and teachers at risk, the Protocol for Resumption of Sports Activities at Ajudôu in the context of Covid-19.  


The Ajudôu manual aims to pass general health safety rules against Covid-19 according to the reality of each location, that is, sport classes will be adapted according to the Ajudôu guidelines, which can be revised. Below are some example guidelines: 


  • Minimum distance required during classes (1 student every 2 m²);
  • All students must start and finish activities in the same amount of time and leave in an orderly manner, without contact and crowding;
  • End of classes 10 minutes before to avoid crowding with the class of the next class; 


About Ajudôu


Ajudôu is a Non-Governmental Organization, recognized for its public utility at the municipal and state levels. It was founded in 1995, in Timóteo-MG, and has already served more than 30 thousand children and adolescents with free judo and other sports classes. Currently, Ajudôu is expanding its work to more than 40 cities in 4 different states.

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