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The signing ceremony of the development term took place this Tuesday (09)


Ajudôu formalized three terms of promotion with the Municipality of Timóteo, via public notice issued by the Secretary of Assistance and Social Development of Timóteo and the Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conselho dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente) (CMDCA), through resources from the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (Fundo da Infância e Adolescência) ( FIA). As a result of the aid, 350 families of students benefiting from the ONG’s sports projects will receive 4 food baskets, 4 cleaning and personal/oral hygiene kits, 490 families will receive 4 cleaning and personal/oral hygiene kits, in addition to 600 children who will receive kimonos , mats, slippers, water bottles and educational booklets.


The signing ceremony of the Term de Fomento, a document that contemplates the Civil Society Organizations of the municipality, took place last Tuesday (11/09) in the auditorium of the Municipality of Timóteo. The event was attended by the mayor, Douglas Willkys and the deputy mayor Professor Vespa, in addition to other representatives of the municipal administration, the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, and donors (Vale, Bemisa, Mineração Usiminas, Emalto, Quarry One) and benefited entities. 


The social responsibility of the NGO Ajudôu goes far beyond providing sports to children and adolescents. We understand that the lack of food on the table is the reality of many families, especially the students benefited by the NGO’s social projects, who are usually in a state of social vulnerability. 


Ajudôu’s vocation for donating food began last year. During the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, the ONG reinvented itself with the sport classes paralyzed and started to collect food and distribute it to students and families.  There were more than 3 basic baskets delivered, benefiting more than 8 thousand people in 12 municipalities in Minas Gerais.


“Ajudôu exists to help, this is the main message of our Organization, as we were born from volunteer work offering access to sports as an educational complement for children and adolescents. This trust from the council and the Municipality of Timóteo values the true role of Social Organizations and demonstrates that we are managing to help those who need it most in this difficult time”, reports Júlio César Lana Jaques, Founder and Executive Director of Ajudôu, 


Discover the Ajudôu proposals, approved by the PMT:


  1. Ajudôu vs Coronavirus: acquisition and distribution of 1400 food baskets to 350 families benefited by Ajudôu in Timóteo, each family will receive 4 baskets in alternate months (one at a time).
  2. Ajudôu vs Coronavirus: acquisition and distribution of 3360 cleaning and personal/oral hygiene kits for 840 families served by Ajudôu in Timóteo, each family will receive 4 cleaning and personal hygiene kits and each student will receive 4 oral hygiene kits every other month (one at a time).</li >
  3. Ajudôu Timóteo Project: acquisition and distribution of 360 mats, 600 kimonos, 600 pairs of slippers, 600 water bottles, 1200 educational booklets for the 600 students served by the Ajudôu Timóteo project.


Abaut Ajudôu


Ajudôu is a Non-Governmental Organization, recognized for its public utility at the municipal and state levels. It was founded in 1995, in Timóteo-MG, and has already served more than 30 thousand children and adolescents with free judo and other sports classes. Currently, Ajudôu is expanding its work to more than 30 cities in 4 different states.

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