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Year 2019
Ajudôu nas Escolas Ano II (Ajudou in Schools Year II)
Process No.: 58000.011165/2016-62
SLI No.: 1611584-80
No. Students: 360
Execution Period: 02/05/2019 A 01/05/2020
Objectives: Increase access to the practice of specialized sports, in the modalities of futsal, volleyball and judo as an educational complement, for children and adolescents enrolled in public schools. Contribute to the development of values of citizenship, social responsibility, logical construction of the rights and duties of children and adolescents. Promote an improvement in their quality of life, through notions of discipline, organization, collectivity, objectivity.
Discover the core of the project:
Core: Virginópolis
Oficina do Menor Padre Bernardo
Praça da Matriz, 30, Virginópolis – MG, 39730-000
Teacher: Rodrigo Camelo Silva
Core: Barão de Cocais
Ginásio Poliesportivo Mata do Povo
Street Padre Mauro Faria, Barão de Cocais – MG, 35970-000
Teacher: Eliana de Cassia Macedo Gonçalves
Core: Nova Era
Antônio Andrade Municipal School
Highway Mg120, Vila Santa Rosa  Nova Era - MG  CEP: 35920-000
Teacher: Tito Livio Lima de Carvalho
Core: Raul Soares
Ginásio Poliesportivo Deputado Leopoldo Bessone
Avenue Prof. Elza Bacelar Raul Soares
Teacher: Kaique Júnior de Oliveira
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