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Ajudôu Project begins another year of activities
In October 2016, Projeto Ajudôu began its seventh consecutive edition of activities in the region.

Developed by De Peito Aberto, Incentive to Sport, Cutura e Lazer, through the Federal Sports Incentive Law of the Ministry of Sport, the project offers judo classes as an educational complement to 500 children and adolescents from 7 to 17 years old, enrolled in the network. public education system, over a period of 12 months.

The municipalities served are: Periquito, Naque, Belo Oriente (Cachoeira Escura), Antônio Dias and Nova Era, sponsored by CENIBRA S/A and Nova Era Silicon and supported by city halls.

“The team of judo coaches are former students of the project, brown belts, undergraduates and graduates in Physical Education, a great achievement for everyone”, emphasizes the general coordinator, Prof. Julio Cesar Lana Jacques.

“I started practicing judo at the age of 11 in Projeto Ajudôu, with Professor Marcelo Fernandes, then with the coordinator of the Ajudôu project Júlio César Lana Jacques and Edmilson Leite Guimarães.

Before entering judo, I was like most messy children, I lived on the streets playing and had no vision of life, after I entered, I saw that the sport changes a child’s life, I started to stand out on the state scene, I was the first Minas Gerais champion at age 14, Jimmi’s champion, I represented the city at the Brazilian School in Brasília.

Today I say that if I got to know cities, states, made friends, paid for my own college, it was through the Project that gave me this opportunity. I also learned to respect others and give in to win. I just have to thank my Senseis who taught me to be a good citizen. I say that the Ajudôu project is a family that welcomes you from the heart and that gives you the opportunity to teach what was once passed on to me.” Reports Judo Instructor Monaliza Cristina De Assis Mendonça.

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